In January 2019, ReAction Theatre formed a partnership with RMIT University to develop the complex technical aspects of this multi-sensory and immersive live performance work which will include ground-breaking digital, lighting, and sound design. Our work includes key creative collaborations with the RMIT School of Design - Digital Animation, Industrial Design, and Sound Design. A showing of the technical elements is planned in the RMIT Black Box in late 2019.
We aspire to put the audience at the centre of the piece, in the here and now, allowing them to experience the immediacy of live performance and the power of storytelling as both a personal and emotional experience.
Digital Animation by Dr Gina Moore, Lecturer in the School of Animation RMIT
Director/Producer: Louise Howlett.
Digital Animation: Dr. Gina Moore (Lecturer), Sahaj Garg, Homie
Projection-Mapping: Sahaj Garg, Homie, Carlo A. Martinez-Tolentino.
Sound Design: Dr. Darrin Verhagen (Senior Lecturer), Matthew Tankard, Angelina Crutchfield.
Set Design: Simon Curlis (Lecturer), Jacob Sandom.
Lighting consultant: Richard Vabre
The White Box
We would like to model a more energy efficient and sustainable approach to set design and construction, challenging the labour intensiveness and high waste production of current industry practices.
Designs by Jacob Sandom.
The latest industrial design techniques..
We are looking to develop a versatile, lightweight, collapsible, affordable and adjustable set building that can be easily assembled and dissembled.
Designs by Jacob Sandom.